FL3XX API allows partners to access flight information, airport details, and a vast array of aviation services.
FL3XX API allows partners to access flight information, airport details, and a vast array of aviation services.
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/accounting/attachments/{uuid}' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/accounting/booking/{reference}' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
{ "accountEntries": [ { … } ], "aircraft": { "ambulance": true, "aoc": { … }, "cabinHeight": 1.8, "cabinLength": 10, "cabinWidth": 2, "cargo": true, "category": "PISTON", "equipment": { … }, "externalHeight": 3, "externalLength": 20, "flightNumberToken": "string", "homebase": "LMML", "id": 0, "keyAccountManager": { … }, "layout": { … }, "links": { … }, "maxFuel": 1000, "maxPayload": 1000, "maxRange": 1000, "minRunway": 1000, "model": "Clipper", "normalCruiseSpeed": 0.8, "numberOfSeats": 3, "subcharter": true, "tailNumber": "SX-HIC", "type": "R44", "typeName": "Robi 44", "typeOfUse": "PRIVATE", "typeRating": "string", "wingSpan": 0 }, "aircraftAccountCode": "string", "bookingIdentifier": "PXXJG", "bookingStatus": "QUOTE", "customer": { "internalId": 485949, "externalReference": "665321646", "firstName": "Luke", "lastName": "Joe", "gender": "MALE", "birthDate": "1988-03-18", "birthPlace": "Conroe", "acronym": "LJ", "birthCountry": "US", "account": { … }, "address": { … }, "email": "myemail@fl3xx.com", "documentExpiration": "2030-04-03", "documentExternalReference": 69905, "documentNumber": "CC4AA3390294NJ", "documentType": "PASSPORT", "issueCountry": "USA", "issueDate": "2020-04-02", "links": { … }, "logName": "string", "mobile": 1111111111, "nationality": "US", "personnelNumber": 996659598, "phone": 11111111111, "radiationProtectionRegistryId": 1112221112221, "salutation": "Mr", "siflType": "CONTROL", "status": "ACTIVE", "weight": 80.5 }, "customerAccountCode": "string", "exchangeRates": [ { … } ], "invoiceStatus": "TRANSFERRED", "paymentGuarantee": "NOT_GUARANTEED", "paymentMethod": "TRANSFER", "paymentStatus": "NOT_PAID" }
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/accounting/booking/{reference}/invoices' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
[ { "grossPrice": 5000.69, "invoiceDate": "2024-11-21T11:24:20.064Z", "invoiceNumber": 123456, "invoiceType": "INVOICE", "netPrice": 4000.69, "timestamp": "2024-11-21T11:24:28.249Z", "vat": 1000, "vatPercentage": 20, "document": { … }, "user": { … } } ]
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/accounting/booking/{reference}/split' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
{ "bookingId": 107853, "bookingIdentifier": "PIOJG", "split": [ { … } ] }
curl -i -X PUT \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/accounting/{accountEntryId}?accountCode=string' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
{ "accountCode": "string", "amount": 5.23, "billable": true, "categoryAccountCode": "string", "currency": "EUR", "date": 1732188260064, "description": "Account discount", "flightNumber": 34343, "id": 33423, "legId": 2323, "quantity": 0, "rate": 0, "status": "TRANSFERRED", "supplierId": 0, "supplierName": "string", "taxable": true, "unit": "string", "attachments": [ { … } ], "actual": { "amount": 96.23, "baseCurrency": "USD", "currency": "EUR", "quantity": 1, "rate": 1.23, "unit": "string" } }