FL3XX API allows partners to access flight information, airport details, and a vast array of aviation services.
FL3XX API allows partners to access flight information, airport details, and a vast array of aviation services.
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/agents' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
[ { "id": 45910, "airportId": 20598, "company": "Air Malta", "crewNotes": "string", "dispatchNotes": "string", "email": "email@email.com", "fboOneShadow": true, "fboOneTeamEmail": "string", "global": true, "mainContact": true, "sourceType": "INTERNAL", "useFboOne": true, "useMyHandling": true } ]
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/costs' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
{ "arrivalPaxFee": 0, "departurePaxFee": 0, "fuelCost": 0, "id": 0 }
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/crew' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/docs' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/fuels' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/location' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/operationalNote/{id}' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/operationalNotes?from=2019-08-24T14%3A15%3A22Z&to=2019-08-24T14%3A15%3A22Z' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/providers/{name}' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/services' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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curl -i -X GET \
'https://test.fl3xx.com/api/external/airports/{airportCode}/services/{name}' \
-H 'X-Auth-Token: YOUR_API_KEY_HERE'
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