📜 Developer Policy

FL3XX Developer Policy

Last Modified: January 7, 2021

Thank you for choosing to develop on the FL3XX platform. Our goal is to provide a broad ecosystem of synergic apps and integrations which complements and enhances functionality of FL3XX and creates an additional value for our joint customers. We pursue a triple win-win-win situation, where all involved parties, i.e. you, us and Customer, benefit from the integration between your Application and FL3XX.

Developers are required to comply with this FL3XX Developer Policy (this “Policy”), including our Acceptable Use Policy (AUP, section D), and our Developer Terms. All capitalized terms used in this Policy are the same as those in the Developer Terms.

We’re focused on providing a secure, high-quality, and data protection and privacy-focused environment for Customers). This policy outlines our expectations for all of our developers. This policy may not cover every type of Application or Integration, and there may be instances where your Application and/or Integration is not addressed by this Policy. We reserve the right to take any action or steps necessary we deem necessary if your Application and/or Integration violates the terms or spirit of this policy, or we feel that such action is necessary to preserve the integrity of our Developer ecosystem or to protect Customers.

Violations of this Developer Policy may result in your Application and/or Integration (as defined in the Developer Terms) being blocked from connecting to the FL3XX Platform. We reserve the right to make changes to this Policy with or without notification to you.

If you have questions about this Policy or our Integrations Ecosystem, please contact [email protected].

1. Data Protection

We take Data Protection very seriously at FL3XX and expect a high standard from our Developers. We expect that you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations. As such we have the following guidelines for data protection and privacy standards:

You will not create Applications and/or Integrations that violate the applicable data protection laws and regulations.

You will not create Applications and/or Integrations that enable Customers to circumvent or violate the FL3XX Terms of Service, Developer Terms, Data Processing Agreement (DPA), and/or AUP.

You will not create Applications and/or Integrations that enable Customers to circumvent or violate the terms or policies of other platforms, applications, integrations, or any entity that has a relationship with the Customer.

You will not sell, rent, exploit, or distribute FL3XX Customer Data without express consent from the Customer.

Your Application and/or Integration should clearly explain your data privacy practices, and be prepared to tell Users how you plan to use the data that is being shared. This detail should be included in an easily accessible privacy policy that explains to customers how their data will be collected, used, and processed and what control Users have over their data.

Your Application and/or Integration should not collect, store, and/or use personal data (meaning any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person) without the consent of the data subject or a lawful basis to collect, store, or use such information.

If your application and/or Integration stores the personal data for a Customer and the Customer requests for their data or Content to be erased, you must erase their data and/or Content.

If your application and/or Integration stores the personal data for a Customer and the Customer modifies their data, you must either erase or update the data.

In the event FL3XX, Customer Data or the FL3XX Platform is breached, compromised, or exploited by your Application and/or Integration, or by your organization, you must contact all affected Customers and FL3XX immediately.

2. Security

In addition to Data Protection, we take security very seriously. We expect the following from Developers:

You will enforce a form of authentication for your Application and/or Integration, and will audit logins to secure your Application and/or Integration with the FL3XX Platform.

You will securely handle any Customer credentials using industry-standard protocols.

You will not make any misleading and/or deceptive statements about your Application functionality, performance, origin, or data use.

You will not transmit any viruses or other code that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, surreptitiously intercept, or expropriate any system or FL3XX Customer Data.

You will not attempt to reverse engineer or otherwise derive source code, trade secrets, or know-how in our APIs.

You will only ask Customers for permissions that your Application needs, and will not ask for permissions beyond the scope of what is required for the operation of your Application.

3. Using Customer Data

You will not collect, store, and/or use FL3XX Customer Data without obtaining proper consent of the Customer, as determined by applicable law.

You will not ask Customers to provide sensitive, private, and confidential personal information, such as credit card numbers or passwords, or information that violates the FL3XX General Terms and Conditions or AUP.

Unless such information is necessary as part of your Application and/or Integration’s legitimate function and purpose, you will not enable Customer to store or process such information through the FL3XX Platform.

You will not create Applications and/or Integrations that encourage or allow Customers to circumvent or interfere with their own data privacy and security policies in a negative way.

You will not request, use scopes, or permissions not required for your Application and/or Integration’s functionality.

4. Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

You shall not, and shall not allow third parties or its End Users to use the FL3XX Platform:

i) to generate any bulk API calls or any excessive traffic not authorized by FL3XX;

ii) to generate or facilitate unsolicited bulk commercial email;

iii) to violate, or to encourage the violation of the legal rights of others;

iv) for any unlawful, invasive, infringing, defamatory, or fraudulent purpose;

v) to intentionally distribute viruses, worms, Trojan horses, corrupted files, hoaxes, or other items of a destructive or deceptive nature;

vi) to interfere with the use of the FL3XX Platform, or the equipment used to provide the Services, by customers, authorized resellers, or other authorized users;

vii) to alter, disable, interfere with, or circumvent any aspect of the FL3XX Platform;

viii) to test or reverse-engineer the FL3XX Platform in order to find limitations, vulnerabilities or evade filtering capabilities; and/or

ix) to use the FL3XX Platform or a component therein, in a manner not authorized by FL3XX.

5. Branding, Publicity, and Feedback

a) Branding
You grant to us all necessary rights to produce and distribute incidental depictions, including screenshots, video, or other content from your Solution as well as to use your company or product names and logos, in order to promote, market, and demonstrate your Solution and associated FL3XX products. We shall not acquire any interest, right, or title in any of your trademarks, copyrights, or content, and all associated goodwill shall reside with you

During the term of these Terms, you may use our trademarks as long as you follow the usage requirements in this section. You must: (i) only use the images of our trademarks that we make available to you, without altering them in any way; (ii) only use our trademarks in connection with your Solution; and (iii) immediately comply if we request that you stop using our marks. You must not: (i) use our trademarks in a misleading or disparaging way; (ii) use our trademarks in a way that implies we endorse, sponsor, or approve of your services or products (unless authorized by FL3XX in writing or in another agreement); or (iii) use our trademarks in violation of applicable law or in connection with an obscene, indecent, or unlawful topic or material.

b) Feedback
We welcome and encourage everyone to provide feedback or suggestions for improving our Developer Resources and Tools. You agree that all your feedback and suggestions will be non-confidential and you grant us a worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, perpetual, and irrevocable license to use, copy, modify, sublicense, and otherwise exploit any feedback (including any ideas, concepts, methods, know-how or techniques embodied in feedback) for any purpose, without any restriction or obligation to you based on intellectual property rights or otherwise.

6. Compliance with Laws

We expect Developers to comply with applicable laws and regulations (in addition to data/privacy protection laws). As such we prohibit you or your Application and/or Integration from:

i) Spamming, harassing, stalking, intimidating, or threatening Customers or other Developers.

ii) Allowing impersonation of Users or otherwise allowing for false representations within your Application and/or Integration.

iii) Facilitating violations of the law.

iv) Infringing on anyone else's intellectual property rights (including FL3XX’s).

v) Representing that your Application is authorized by or produced by another company or organization.

vi) Allowing or facilitating financial transactions conducted in an insecure and unapproved manner.

7. Design

We want our developers to integrate applications that are well designed and easy to use.

Your Application should complement the look, feel, and functionality of FL3XX.

Your Application should not violate any third party’s trademark, copyright, or patent.

The design of your application should comply with all applicable laws and regulations.

We reserve the right to require you to make changes to the way your Application is integrated with FL3XX and/or how it interacts with FL3XX. We will do our best to provide you with written notice with an explanation of changes required to the design of your integration.

We encourage you to develop Applications and/or Integrations that enable Customers to comply with applicable data protection and privacy laws.

8. User Experience

We expect all Applications and/or Integrations to provide a good user experience, so we require the following:

Your Application and/or Integration should not degrade or compromise the performance or user experience of the FL3XX Services.

Your Application and/or Integration should not use vulgar or obscene language or images. Likewise, your Application or Integration should not contain or offer content that is violent, pornographic, extreme, or that a reasonable person would consider inappropriate. You should provide appropriate customer assistance.

Every Application and/or Integration must include a link to technical instructions and customer support information, including contact for customer support.

You must keep your Application and/or Integration updated and provide timely and accurate support to Customers. Your Application and/or Integration must operate and function in accordance with the documentation you make available to the Customer.

If requested, you must provide us with proof of compliance with this policy.

Violations of this policy may result in removal from our Integrations Ecosystem, token revocation, developer suspension, having your Application and/or Integration blocked, Customer notification, legal action or any other action deemed necessary solely by FL3XX.

If you violate this policy we may or may not provide notice before taking action. Please note that we may periodically audit Applications and Integrations. If you fail an audit before notifying us of any issues, penalties will be more severe.