Read detailed crew member information

GET /api​/external​/staff​/crew

Using the parameter modifiedSince, you read the information has changed since the date of your last .

You can also read information related to a specific crew member, via its reference.

GET /api​/external​/staff​/crew/{crewReference}

crewReference can be crewId, pilotId or externalReference

A call to /api​/external​/staff​/crew/{crewReference}

, using the pilot id 78562

    "pilotId": 78562,
    "firstName": "Simon",
    "middleName": "",
    "lastName": "McRiha",
    "logName": "simon.test",
    "mobile": "+356123456789",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "trigram": "SMC",
    "luggageWeight": 25.0,
    "weight": 67.0,
    "weightUnit": "KILOGRAM",
    "luggageUnit": "KILOGRAM",
    "personnelNumber": "19770509",
    "salutation": "Mr",
    "gender": "MALE",
    "birthDate": [
    "birthPlace": "Mosta",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "employedSince": 1577833200000,
    "nationality": "MT",
    "jobTitle": "First Officer",
    "homeAirport": {
        "icao": "LMML",
        "iata": "MLA",
        "name": "Malta International Airport",
        "faa": null,
        "localIdentifier": null,
        "aid": "APT-VNCC-AV4U",
        "id": 20598
    "operator": {
        "id": 14,
        "name": "API DEMOAIR"
    "roles": {
        "Others": [
        "Customer": [
        "Staff": [
            "Flight Release",
            "Flight Attendant",
    "pilotOnAircraft": [
    "idCards": [
            "externalReference": "68741",
            "number": "1234567",
            "type": "IDCARD",
            "main": true,
            "visaType": "ID",
            "issueCountry": "CZ",
            "issueDate": "2015-05-01",
            "expirationDate": "2022-05-01",
            "issueAuthority": "Bimbo",
            "issuePlace": "Prague",
            "links": []
            "externalReference": "68847",
            "number": "197946578",
            "type": "PASSPORT",
            "main": false,
            "issueCountry": "MT",
            "issueDate": "2015-01-01",
            "expirationDate": "2025-01-01",
            "links": []
    "assignments": [
            "name": "Cessna TR",
            "date": 1640995200000,
            "position": "SIC",
            "active": true,
            "statuses": [
                    "satisfied": false,
                    "name": "SIC",
                    "position": "SIC"
            "name": "Gulfstream TR",
            "date": 1640995200000,
            "position": "PIC",
            "active": true,
            "statuses": [
                    "satisfied": false,
                    "name": "PIC",
                    "position": "PIC"
    "userQualifications": [
            "name": "ATPL",
            "commander": false,
            "group": "10"